Monday Motivation (boys coming home) after a mixed feelings prior week
Treasure your blessings on Sunday
In Honor of Veteran's Day: Epilepsy is common
I hate to admit they're usually right.....
We may not not have it all together, but together we have it all!
Shine YOUR light on Epilepsy & POP-OUT IN PURPLE!
Thankful Thursday: Gratitude is what YOU make it!
How do you do it? We (our family) doesn't have a choice.
Why not paint your Pumpkin PURPLE? Happy Halloween!!
SUDEP Action Day: October 19, 2022 WORLDWIDE
Monday Night Football why not give a Mayo Update
MyGlitch space created by Brent, He must of known my Glitch Brain and heart needed it!
MyGlitch IS a FAMILY affair & Happy Bday Dad!
MyGlitch Fitness/Sports Safety
WHY MyGlitch? WHY I started down this journey?
Husband = NOT Caregiver
July/August focused Family=September is now empty nesters
June15th Anniversary of when stitches came out of my RNS implant in 2017 & June 1st Mayo update
Mayo update & why delay on blog posts =Family/mental health focused
World PURPLE Day is always 3/26 & how it became known