Living With Epilepsy, Changes Your Heat Tolerance
Anyone living with epilepsy has a chance of increased seizures due to higher temps. Some factors might include a persons age, type of epilepsy, implanted devices, type of medications and are they controlled or not controlled. It is important each person living with epilepsy takes precautions, and whomever they are with knows a seizure might occur.

Some Precautions A Person Living With Epilepsy Needs To Do
As stated by The Epilepsy Foundation(please also consult your doctor before you participate in any outdoor activities)
Limit sun and heat exposure. Plan activities in the early morning or late afternoon and evening. This helps you avoid the warmest temperatures in the middle of the day.
Dress in lightweight and light-colored clothing.
Drink water before, during, and after physical activity to help keep your body temperature cool.
When temperatures are high, spend time in buildings with air conditioning, such as museums, indoor playgrounds, libraries, or shopping centers.
If a person has extreme heat intolerance, wearing a cooling vest may be helpful.
Listen to your body. If you feel weak, dizzy, or thirsty, find a place to rest in the shade. Drink water, tell someone (family member, lifeguard, camp counselor, coach, or friend) how you are feeling and take a break. Ask them to stay by your side until you feel better
We Are Roasting Where We Live!
I have always been cold by nature and absolutely LOVE the sun and beach or a good night by the fire pit roasting marshmellows. Needless to say my boys were shocked that I could ever be over heated.
On average we have been a temp of 97-100 and a feels like 101-115!!
My husband knew it was killing me being inside so much with over active seizures. He had me lay outside, and placed a fan directly on me, and it was still morning with lots of water drinking. He stayed out there with me as well. Well a whopping 30 minutes was all I could take but I would take it. I tried the other day doing weed pulling but even then my heart rate was rising and feeling light headed which lead to seizures shortly, after because I didn't listen to my body very well. You can say I can be a bit stubborn. I kept telling myself I was good, I was drinking water, and had a cold rag around my neck and it was not the middle of the afternoon. I also enjoy walks and my oldest knows that so when there is a Pokemon event, he always asks me if I am feeling okay to go with him. After all; anytime I can get him outside away from his games and chat I will take. Not to mention they are both in college now and anytime they ask me to do anything I want to make it happen. In the Picture above you can see me on the Pokemon walk and we started out having fun, it was evening time, and the heat index was down but still very hot. We only made it one loop around, and I was exhausted dripping with sweat, and went right to sleep. I don't even remember falling asleep due to a mini seizure.
My fellow Epilepsy Warriors stay safe out in this never ending heat wave. Take the precautions listed by the Epilepsy Foundation, and don't be as stubborn as me:)
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This heat is challenging for sure. I’m glad you are taking extra care with it.💕