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Did You Know=It Takes A Team At Mayo

Writer's picture: Marissa DeVaul ParmerMarissa DeVaul Parmer

Why Is It Important To Have The Right Neurologist And Doctors

I have many ask me why do I travel so far to see my neurologist. The answer is simple. You are in this for life as there is no cure for epilepsy and many times people with epilepsy have more than one type or another condition. It took us a few years before we realized this. Also to feel comfortable, as you know we didn't always live in Florida so it meant a flight at times by myself. Even now within Florida it is a long drive which I can't do.

Once you find the right doctor, you pray daily, you don't lose them.

My Key Mayo Doctor(Neurologist) Is Like Family Now

The one thing I especially love is he always asks about our boys, things with the family. He doesn't just hop right into ok how many seizures have you had or felt since your last appointment. It is more on a personal level. My appointments are never cut short even if technically they are "closing". I even have his personal cell number for myself or family needs to reach him in emergencies.

My neurologist specializes in epilepsy, women with epilepsy, auto-immune associated epilepsy, special treatments for those living with drug-resistant epilepsy, and more but those are key areas for me. He is also upfront if there is something he doesn't completely understand on that given day and explains what he is going to do next. Whether it be my RNS readings or an EEG outcome, he pulls together an entire team of Mayo doctors specializing in key areas related to all my types of epilepsy and other health related that may change my seizure activity. He has also taken my various years of types of evolving seizures as presentations to have a group discuss me, to get neurologist, epitologist, neurosurgeons, psychologists, etc.

Who Compromises My Mayo Team In Jacksonville Florida

Now remember this is individualized for me, based on years of being a patient at the Mayo Clinic and what my needs are. Everyone is very different.

I utilize an online portal to send a secured message to the doctor I need to speak with and always include my neurologist.

My neurologist(plus head of neurology), neurosurgeon, neuropsychologist, radiologist, anesthesiologist, rheumatologist, gynecologist and a complete nursing staff. The KEY is they all work together and now my health history as everything can adversely effect my seizure activity. Plus, all in one location.

So my fellow Epilepsy Warriors be an advocate for yourself and have your family help you along the way too. You truly do want that doctor to feel like family, so you can be very honest with them and they care for you as they would their own family. I could go on and on about mine and his heart of gold, for not only my health but the entire family.

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A compassionate doctor makes all the difference. Grateful you have such a long-standing and personal connection with yours.

Marissa DeVaul Parmer
Marissa DeVaul Parmer
2023년 8월 10일
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We truly have been blessed now That we have a doctor that truly has a compassion for our family and not just my treatment. He knows it affects all of us. We feel the same with him as well, he is a new parent ☺️💜


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