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Did You Know Monday: How A Dental Visit Is With Epilepsy

Writer's picture: Marissa DeVaul ParmerMarissa DeVaul Parmer

I Was Always Told My Smile Changed Their Day

Now to me that meant the world, but at times that smile was masking the pain I might be feeling that day. The other factor is I was embarrassed of how my teeth looked, and hoped others couldn't see it. It always of course made my day when someone told me that, and I hope it changed theirs as well.

Why Is Seeing The Dentist Even More Important For Those Living With Epilepsy?

According to the Epilepsy Foundation:"Everyone benefits from regular trips to the dentist, as this promotes good oral health and overall quality of life. People with epilepsy are actually at increased risk of dental cavities, periodontal disease, laceration (e.g. biting their tongue during a seizure), as well as ulcerations caused by medication-induced vitamin deficiencies. This makes is especially important that regular dental care is received."

Please note that all seizures are different and so what the Epilepsy Foundation states above is not true for all. For example my type of seizures most of the time do not bite my tongue, it might be my lip or grind the teeth.

As for me, I brush my teeth multiple times a day, floss and mouthwash and I still have "terrible teeth/gums". I take so many meds which cause teeth, gum decay along with my auto-immune. From my standpoint it can be so frustrating, when you want something to work in your favor when so many things go wrong when living with epilepsy. Especially being a parent and you want your kids to have good dental hygiene, yet they see you having multiple cavities, fake teeth, and more. This is something I can control, right? Well, you can only do so much and the rest, just is what it is. I just need to enjoy the compliment of "you have such a beautiful smile".

What Needs To Be Done For A Dental Appointment When Living With Epilepsy

First prior to your first appointment, have a consultation with the hygienist or dentist and bring someone with you that understands your seizures well. I know for me this helps due to my memory cannot always remember things discussed, they can also provide an outside point of you when they have questions.

It is important during this consult you make them aware of the type of epilepsy you have, all meds you are on, and any precautions that need to be done. If you have a seizure plan, you can provide them a printed sheet of it all. Most dentists will take a person living with epilepsy with no problem, but there are others that will not due to the risks possible.

Once you have this appointment, and feel comfortable with what has to be done. Speak with your neurologist to see if any special accommodations have to be made during certain appointments.

Schedule the appointment if possible during a typical time that you tend to NOT have seizures. This is especially true if you are not controlled like me.

When I had to have a dental surgery done, I needed to have general anesthesia which can be a risk but it can also be more risky having a seizure during the dental process.

Have the same person that was with you during the consult with you there and back in the dental room if possible. I also had an anesthesiologist which also fortunate for me knew seizure first aid.

Please again NOT one person living with epilepsy is the same. Please speak with your neurology team and approach your dental care based on what they say. My dental appointment is just example from what I need, it could be very different for you. Dental Hygiene is VERY important and can still be done even living with epilepsy.

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Sep 12, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This is an aspect of epilepsy I had never considered. As always, thank you for continuing to educate and inspire.

I believe someone’s smile is as beautiful as their heart and spirit, that’s why yours is so gorgeous!

Marissa DeVaul Parmer
Marissa DeVaul Parmer
Sep 14, 2023
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I am glad you learned something new. I agree about someone’s smile I also believe can brighten another persons day. Thank you for feeling mine is bright. 💜❤️


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