Parmer Family Having Exciting Times!
If you read one of the previous blogs it was Broc's 19th Birthday and we also had a BIG 5-0 Birthday for Brent as well. I also took my last Pokemon walk with Bryce for the summer. again go back and read that blog entry. During this same month we were also preparing our boys to return to college. Bryce is living off campus first time and Broc is off at UTSA, in Texas as well. I am so unbelievably proud of them both. They have set lofty goals and not one person is going to hold them back from reaching them. This all happened between August 3-19th, add in a flight delay and we missed a connection so returning on the 20th. Have a laugh picturing Brent and I running from Gate A to Gate E in Atlanta only to be told doors closed, sorry.
Sleep patterns all thrown off in and out of time zones and rest times were not always happening. Repetitive questions due to my cognitive complications.

So If All Is Great With My Family, Why Wouldn't I Have Less Seizures?
I think the easiest way for some to understand is the over stimulation of the brain activity caused my seizure activity overload.
Again go back and read about my OCD, which was on major overload making sure the boys had just all they needed packed. Also, remember on average I am having active seizures anywhere from 3-4 days in a row and then the days recovery.
Plus both were moving in within of days of each other, which added to it and like most college kids they were waiting until the last minute, and I needed them to also go through things they didn't need anymore. I had to hold myself back from not doing it myself because they are grown adults now, but still was very hard for me not wanting to jump in and help them. After all, I am sure other moms/dads out there agree your kids will always be your babies.
Yes, I know this isn't the first time we are taking them to college, but for me both were taking two different steps this year and I wanted it to be just perfect and as smooth as possible for them. Unfortunately; for them I think it was mom on overdrive, just wanting me to relax......what can I say it isn't in my DNA.
Once we got them both there, it was a Sam's Club trip with a certain list and this brain could not handle the chaos of going off the list and not hearing well with so much noise and then right to get groceries after that. To me my brain works off lists(many that live with epilepsy do, due to short term memory), and if something wasn't there for them it began to go into overdrive with mom guilt.
Adding in extreme heat, moving things with no elevator (mind you both the boys and Brent told me not to and just be up in apartment to unload there, but I of course I was stubborn and didn't listen.
Once they were settled in, we had to get a few more things done, and wanted to have sometime with each of them before we left.
Monday Hits Me Like A Brick Wall
Sunday I rested for the most part due to the flight, and Brent had to go into work. On Monday I seemed to feel pretty good and went on to get things cleaned up from all the packing boxes laying everywhere, and anything else that was left out. Making up beds, cleaning the house etc. Leading me to have my boys on my mind.
I tried to do my rest time at 12:30-2pm, but my brain just couldn't shutdown, chest pains came on at 1:45 and so took my pills a bit early and my body was just not feeling right and I couldn't place it. I then tried to layback in the recliner but just couldn't relax, and by the time Brent got home I wasn't making sense and my brain and mind were in overload. I wasn't speaking right and having sensations all over and the taste in my mouth trigger prediction wouldn't go away. This lasted roughly until 5:47pm and Brent convinced me to take a Lorazepam, a medication for seizure clusters which don't stop.
He was right of course I needed to take that, fell asleep for about a hour and by 9pm we even took a leisure walk around the neighborhood.
Definition By Mayo Clinic Overstimulated Brains Reactions
When our brains are constantly bombarded with sensory information or have to process too much complex information, we can become overwhelmed and brain as well physically exhausted. This can lead to feelings of stress, tension, irritability, and exhaustion, all triggers for some living with epilepsy. This can come in all different forms pending the type you have, and section of brain. (Kind of get the picture? I am not just crazy.Just ask my boys and they would say no, but can you somehow get her brain to not ask the same question multiple times in a day LOL)
#WeFightEpilepsyAsAFamily #TeamParmer #MyGlitch #Epilepsy #MentalHealth #PhysicalHealth #Peloton #PelotonMeditation #AerospaceEngineer #ERAU #BaseballCatcher #GCSC #EpilepsyAwareness #Seizures #EpilepsyWarriors #EpilepsyFighter #ChronicIllness #EpilepsyAdvocate #EpilepsyStrong #EndEpilepsy #TooManyMeds #RNSImplant #TemporalLobeSeizures #NocturnalSeizures #AbsenceSeizures #PNES #GAD65Seizures #AutoImmuneDisease #SUDEP #UncontrolledSeizures #FocalComplexSeizures #AwareSeizures #UnawareSeizures #StatusEpilepticus #EpilepsyLife #Anxiety #OCD #EpilepsySafetyAwareness #Invisilbleillness #SeizuresSuck #EpilepsyAllianceFlorida #EpilepsyFoundationOfAmerica #BrainAblaze #MayoClinic #WADATesting #2023WillBringHope #NeverGiveUp #Fibromalgyia #GroguIsMyGuy #FamilyIsEverything #MemoryMightBeBad #LosingLanguageSkills #LeftBrainDominance #Meditation #Positivity #EnjoyLifeToTheFullest #ExerciseIsKey #SurgeryNotAnOption #HaveFaith #ListenToYourBody #MindBodyConnection #EpilepsyDay #SpreadEpilepsyAwareness #MissMyDash #PauseDontStop #YesYouCan #March26PurpleDay2023 #ChangesLeadToHope #BiTemporalLobeSeizures #ChangesLeadToBetterHealth #meditation #haphazzard #WellnessWednesdays #FriendsAndFamilyFridays #SteveGordon #RDQLUS #LightningBolt #SocialNetwork #SelfEsteem #DidYouKnowMondays #YouAreMoreThanYourEpilepsy #AParentsView #AdultOnsetEpilepsy #IVIGTreatment #SpiritualWellness #MyPurpose
#OnceADragonAlwaysADragon #EpilepsyShouldntChangeFriends #BrainFog #SiezureFalls #PositiveMindset #StopApologizing #SiblingsPointOfView #KeepTalking #BrotherlyLove #SisterlyLove #FamilyHelpsYouThroughAnything #TrendingOnTwitter #DontLiveInFear #CaffeineGoodOrBad #CaffeineIsNotMyTrigger #DrugResistantEpilepsy #MedsSuck #SleepIssues #SleepIsATrigger #MyBoysAreMySuperHero #EpilepsyCanBeGood #OtherHealthConditionsTriggerMySeizures #FibroFog #EpilepsyFog #PainIsReal
#TimingOfDiagnosisMakesADifference #HappyMothersDay #MotherOfChildWithEpilepsy #MotherOfParentWithEpilepsy #MotherOfSpouseWithEpilepsy #MotherLivingWithEpilepsy
#LowBPEffectsMySeizures #OccupationalWellness #ConnectionIsNeeded #HaveAPassion #OnlineEpilepsyCommunity #HaveAsMuchFaithInYourselfAsYouDoOthers #InPatientEEG #OutPatientEEG #TakeABreak #MeTime #FamilyTime #Dash #SeizureAlertDogs #EmotionalSupportDogs #OnlineEpilepsyCommunity #OnlineTrolls #BrainFog #Dementia #SaraStaggs #Uncontrollable #OCD #RNSArtificialIntelligence #SelfCare #InwardAndOnward #CampiTheSeahorse #FinancialWellness #FinancialStress #HIE #KelliTimAndRayStory #CoachAthleteRelationship #TempsRiseSoDoSeizures #ListenToYourBody #PokemonWalks #UTSABaseball #SonsLoveInspiresMe #SonsDriveAndCourageInspiresMe #PhotoSensitiveEpilepsy #LorrieForseth #LovedOnesSupportingOthers #TheRightDoctorsIsKey #MayoClinic #SPARK #RhondaTaylor #BackToCollege #OverBrainStimulation #ListenToFamilyBetter #ListenToBodyBetter
I hope you are feeling better after so much going on. Glad your boys are settled and ready for another great year😍