When I began my job at Minnesota State University Moorhead, many moons ago,
I never would of imagined to have such amazing colleagues turn into lifelong friends.
These two women, who are dynamic in their given fields, also have hearts of gold for their athletes and fellow staff. I don't know if they realized when I worked with them how much I treasured their advice, and that still holds true today.
When I was first diagnosed, while some people acted different toward me or treated me differently (and not always for the better), they didn't change at all and that meant the world to me as I was trying to come to terms with my condition.
I continue to admire their strength as women working in athletics. I am blessed that even after 25 plus years, we have kept in contact through all my moves.
The MSUM Dragons are fortunate to have these two on staff.
For those you don't know them, I introduce you to my treasured friends;
Karla Nelson and Andy Scott.

In The Words Of Karla And Andy:
On Why They Continue To Help Me Spread Epilepsy Awareness.
Karla Nelson:
"We have know each other for 25+ years, having worked together for a very long time!!! Your journey has been inspiring from the standpoint of your courage, strength, and selflessness!!! You have shared more about your life than anyone I know - with the hope of making a difference for others with epilepsy!!! I wish I could bottle up your courage and share it with all the people I know or come in contact with!!!
As I’ve watched you from a distance through the videos you’ve shared I find myself wanting to help you bring awareness to this disease!!! Whether it’s by sharing your blog or post - it’s the one way I feel I’m helping!!!
I want you to know that you’re not alone in your fight, I see you, I hear you, I think you’re a very special person - I want others to know just how amazing you’re!!! Courage is fear with an attitude - that is how I see you!!!"
Andy Scott:
"I kept in touch with you because we always had a great working relationship and we had fun both in athletics and when we did Dragons After Dark. You have always had a fun and positive outlook that I admire. I enjoy keeping in touch with people who enjoy their work and positive humans :)
I remember you telling me about the epilepsy diagnosis and being surprised. It seems silly now after all the epilepsy info you have shared, but I thought it was so crazy that you were so ill, but that you "seemed" so healthy, and you were so physically active.
The way it made me feel different was primarily that I was in awe of your strength from the beginning. You have been so hopeful and strong, and so willing to try all the experimental procedures and treatments, and even insisted on working during some of the hardest times. You are truly an inspiration, and rest assured, because of your selfless attitude regarding procedures, treatment, and research about epilepsy, others who have epilepsy will have better, more effective treatments. I am in awe of you and your purpose of spreading awareness and hope about epilepsy!!"
Thank you both for sharing from your point of view about me and for continuing to support me in spreading epilepsy awareness.
Their words may be able to help you or someone you know who lives with epilepsy by continuing to learn more about this disorder. Your life and your relationships DO NOT have to change due to your condition. Once a DRAGON; Always A DRAGON!
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