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Friends & Family Fridays = National Superhero Day

Writer's picture: Marissa DeVaul ParmerMarissa DeVaul Parmer

My Superheroes

This post was meant to be delayed. When I saw today was National Superhero Day, it couldn't have fallen on a better day for today's blog. This is an understatement because my boys are one of my core daily inspirations and have been my superheroes for many years. I may be a bit biased when I say Brent and I have the most handsome, blue eyed, blonde hair, smart, and talented young men, but above all else they have the kindest and caring hearts for anyone. Not to mention their smiles which makes their mom always feel good inside and out. Now they do have that bit of sarcasm which they have come by honestly from Brent and both their grandpas. But they also know it makes me laugh.

I can say based on conversations with other parents, teachers, coaches, club advisors and even people we don't know who tell us they can't believe how mature they are for their ages. We are told how respectful and self driven they are and role models for others. They'll say they just don't see or hear kids their age speak like our boys do anymore to adults. Mr., Mrs. or Coach is mandatory, there is no first names unless the person asks for it but it will still have Ms or Mr prior to the name. Also, you can expect a firm handshake when they meet you for the first time.

I promise that this is from other adults, not just mom speaking of her superheroes. What many don't know is what they have had to do growing up, and now while pursuing their own dreams.

A Mom Diagnosed With Epilepsy; What I Felt And Saw Then And Now Of My SuperHeroes

Ok, making this as short as I can but I truly could write a book about being a mom and watching my children grow up and then also being my caregiver, or what I call my superhero. They truly were and still are my strength so I never give up fighting. I at least owe them that, when they don't give up on me and not to mention all their hard work daily.

Upon my first diagnosis back when they were in kindergarten and pre-school, fear was the first thing that popped into my mind. How was I going to take care of them safely as well as continue to set a good example as a mom and wife. Imagine teaching your little ones how to know when something isn't right with mom and dad isn't home to call 911 and get the neighbor. Yet still making sure not to scare them by saying too much. In the beginning I think they just enjoyed the extra visits by grandma, grandpa and other family.

Fast forward to middle school years, they are very involved and dealing with what many kids deal with at this age, but on top of that you see your mom continuing to have seizures. Every day when they got on the bus, it was a required hug before they left and before bed. They knew it made mom's day and night. That is still required when they are home from college or when we visit them! 🥰

Their high school years I was still working, but I was getting worse instead of better. I wasn't able to drive at all, the Mayo appointments increased, and we had to plan our schedules a lot but they never complained. It amazed me all the things they continued to excel in even while seeing their mom suffer with my seizures. They continued to earn straight A's while in honors, sports and clubs. I would apologize to them if I happened to have a seizure at one of their events, but they would always say 'mom, we are just happy you could come and you are ok, we don't care if people talk. We are a family and we don't care what anyone says!' If I had to miss events due to having a rough day, they were filled with excitement to tell me all about it and then still ask me if I was doing better and if they could help me. Yes, mom-guilt always set in.

In 2017 and I had my first surgery for my RNS implant, imagine how they felt seeing their mom after coming out after surgery. In early 2019 I had to medically retire and in my eyes I had failed them. It was at that time I realized it wasn't me working that set the example for them, it was how we all grew as a family during all this. When December came of that year, I had my second RNS surgery and once again they had to worry about their mom. All of this going on and then we moved in the middle of their high school year, so to say they are mature beyond their years is an understatement!!

We all know what 2020 brought and when you get COVID with a chronic illness, it is usually worse. My seizures were awful, and I once again counted on my superheroes to take care of me trying to stay healthy themselves at the same time.

Now they are both in college and I am beaming with mom pride all the time, while also adjusting to the empty nester phase. Brent is a God-sent husband and father or else I wouldn't be able to fight daily. Bryce, in only his second year is a Junior at Embry Riddle studying Aerospace Engineering. Broc, a first year at Gulf Coast State College, is playing baseball and studying Business. Both are still in honors programs making Presidential lists, while reaching for the stars in their given life goals. What I love the most is how they support each other regardless of if they understand what they other is REALLY doing. Bryce supports Broc in his 'sports ball' and Broc supports Bryce as a 'Rocket Scientist' while having no idea what the other is talking about but they will be the first ones to brag on each other!

My husband and I truly feel my seizures, while we wish I never had this awful Glitch, it taught our boys many things over the years and helped with making the adjustment to college a bit easier. We also believe my condition brought our family closer together!

My Superheroes' Mom Loves You So Much And I Don't Think You Can Ever Hear That Enough 🥰

Thank you both for all you have done over the years and dealing with mom's forgetful brain and the many texts or calls you receive because I probably forgot what you said on the last text or call! 😂 Thank you for never worrying about what anyone else might think about me, and of course thank you for that big hug.

#WeFightEpilepsyAsAFamily #TeamParmer #MyGlitch #Epilepsy #MentalHealth #PhysicalHealth #Peloton #PelotonMeditation #AerospaceEngineer #ERAU #BaseballCatcher #GCSC #EpilepsyAwareness #Seizures #EpilepsyWarriors #EpilepsyFighter #ChronicIllness #EpilepsyAdvocate #EpilepsyStrong #EndEpilepsy #TooManyMeds #RNSImplant #TemporalLobeSeizures #NocturnalSeizures #AbsenceSeizures #PNES #GAD65Seizures #AutoImmuneDisease #SUDEP #UncontrolledSeizures #FocalComplexSeizures #AwareSeizures #UnawareSeizures #StatusEpilepticus #EpilepsyLife #Anxiety #OCD #EpilepsySafetyAwareness #Invisilbleillness #SeizuresSuck #EpilepsyAllianceFlorida #EpilepsyFoundationOfAmerica #BrainAblaze #MayoClinic #WADATesting #2023WillBringHope #NeverGiveUp #Fibromalgyia #GroguIsMyGuy #FamilyIsEverything #MemoryMightBeBad #LosingLanguageSkills #LeftBrainDominance #Meditation #Positivity #EnjoyLifeToTheFullest #ExerciseIsKey #SurgeryNotAnOption #HaveFaith #ListenToYourBody #MindBodyConnection #EpilepsyDay #SpreadEpilepsyAwareness #MissMyDash #PauseDontStop #YesYouCan #March26PurpleDay2023 #ChangesLeadToHope #BiTemporalLobeSeizures #ChangesLeadToBetterHealth #meditation #haphazzard #WellnessWednesdays #FriendsAndFamilyFridays #SteveGordon #RDQLUS #LightningBolt #SocialNetwork #SelfEsteem #DidYouKnowMondays #YouAreMoreThanYourEpilepsy #AParentsView #AdultOnsetEpilepsy #IVIGTreatment #SpiritualWellness #MyPurpose


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May 01, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Just beautiful!! Felt the love in every word! Sooo proud of Broc & Bryce💜💜💜💜 They are awesome young men!

Marissa DeVaul Parmer
Marissa DeVaul Parmer
May 02, 2023
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Thank you ☺️ I am truly amazed by my boys daily, by all they accomplish but still ask me how I am doing. I think you as well know how strong a mama’s love is for her boys. 💜💜💜💜


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