Meet Brian Lester
It is only fitting that I feature a sports writer on National College Colors Day!
Our family had the pleasure of getting to know Brian when we moved to Pace, Florida and our sons were involved in sports. Due to our move and COVID hit at that time, it wasn't until the fall of soccer and football season we truly got to know him better. He is a person who covers a large region of many athletes and various male and female sports. He doesn't just focus on the highlights of the game, he gets to know the athletes personally. This is how Brian got to know us better and our family living with epilepsy.
I find it also special that he follows the athletes after graduation and where they are excelling in their sport post high school. Plus even though our oldest does not play college sports, he always asks about him as well when speaking to Broc or us.
I found out while I asked him to be a feature which you will read below about his personal story connected to epilepsy.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself
I was born in Illinois and attended Eastern Illinois University. I've worked in several different states during my 20-plus years in journalism, covering sporting events at the high school, college and pro level. I have been in Florida since 2015 working for the Navarre Press, and last year, started writing for the Press Gazette as well when our publisher bought that paper.
Did you have basic knowledge about Epilepsy before?
I did have basic knowledge of epilepsy, though I didn't know a ton about it until I started reading some of your blogs and seeing some of the posts you shared about the topic on social media, in addition to hearing some of your story and your battle with epilepsy. One thing I learned is that your epilepsy can be triggered by weather.
Why did you become an Epilepsy advocate, and have you learned anything yourself while becoming one?
I guess you can call me an advocate. I started sharing your posts because I knew how important those were to you and that by sharing them, it would help spread more awareness about it and what people who have it deal with on a daily basis. I really didn't think much of the shares initially, but now I have learned to realize that in sharing those blog posts, etc.., it really means a great deal to the people who see them and that it has helped others understand more about epilepsy. Or at least I hope it has.
I also have to note that my girlfriend, Meighan, had a brother who battled epilepsy. He passed away in 2012, and I think maybe that is one of the other reasons I started sharing those posts on epilepsy because while I never met him, it's something that has impacted someone in my life.
I did learn from one time you shared a story of being at a baseball game and the lightning delay made it difficult for you, I never realized that could happen. You also mentioned nights were more difficult and the later the delay the harder it became with weather, time of day along with meds timing. You've definitely made more knowledgeable of epilepsy and that community.
Have others reached out to you at all when they see post on SM or answer anything when you might talk about epilepsy to others?
I haven't had anyone reach out personally in regards to the posts I've shared. But I do truly hope people have at least taken notice of the posts and have taken time to read your blog because the more awareness the better. Knowing that you work in the broadcasting field, have you ever witnessed firsthand someone having a seizure at a sporting/school event? Or anywhere else? Did anyone know what to do, and do you know what to do?
I have seen student-athletes suffer seizures at events in the past, and fortunately, trainers were on hand who do know how to handle that because of their medial background. I have a basic idea of what to do, but there is more I can learn when it comes to helping someone in that situation if I ever had to. Is there anything else you want to share about being an Epilepsy advocate, yourself etc.
I don't really have anything in particular to add other than that I do want to continue to share your posts. I realize my platform as a writer who has gained added attention on social media is one that can do good, and by sharing important posts like yours, I can help do my part to create additional awareness about epilepsy.
I would like you to follow @BLester1993 to keep up with regional information and his printings or online to learn more about him and others. Watch for a featured piece on epilepsy, when we can fit in our family schedule .Thank you Brian for wanting to share even more than just sports! Our family and others living with epilepsy appreciate it.
#WeFightEpilepsyAsAFamily #TeamParmer #MyGlitch #Epilepsy #MentalHealth #PhysicalHealth #Peloton #PelotonMeditation #AerospaceEngineer #ERAU #BaseballCatcher #GCSC #EpilepsyAwareness #Seizures #EpilepsyWarriors #EpilepsyFighter #ChronicIllness #EpilepsyAdvocate #EpilepsyStrong #EndEpilepsy #TooManyMeds #RNSImplant #TemporalLobeSeizures #NocturnalSeizures #AbsenceSeizures #PNES #GAD65Seizures #AutoImmuneDisease #SUDEP #UncontrolledSeizures #FocalComplexSeizures #AwareSeizures #UnawareSeizures #StatusEpilepticus #EpilepsyLife #Anxiety #OCD #EpilepsySafetyAwareness #Invisilbleillness #SeizuresSuck #EpilepsyAllianceFlorida #EpilepsyFoundationOfAmerica #BrainAblaze #MayoClinic #WADATesting #2023WillBringHope #NeverGiveUp #Fibromalgyia #GroguIsMyGuy #FamilyIsEverything #MemoryMightBeBad #LosingLanguageSkills #LeftBrainDominance #Meditation #Positivity #EnjoyLifeToTheFullest #ExerciseIsKey #SurgeryNotAnOption #HaveFaith #ListenToYourBody #MindBodyConnection #EpilepsyDay #SpreadEpilepsyAwareness #MissMyDash #PauseDontStop #YesYouCan #March26PurpleDay2023 #ChangesLeadToHope #BiTemporalLobeSeizures #ChangesLeadToBetterHealth #meditation #haphazzard #WellnessWednesdays #FriendsAndFamilyFridays #SteveGordon #RDQLUS #LightningBolt #SocialNetwork #SelfEsteem #DidYouKnowMondays #YouAreMoreThanYourEpilepsy #AParentsView #AdultOnsetEpilepsy #IVIGTreatment #SpiritualWellness #MyPurpose
#OnceADragonAlwaysADragon #EpilepsyShouldntChangeFriends #BrainFog #SiezureFalls #PositiveMindset #StopApologizing #SiblingsPointOfView #KeepTalking #BrotherlyLove #SisterlyLove #FamilyHelpsYouThroughAnything #TrendingOnTwitter #DontLiveInFear #CaffeineGoodOrBad #CaffeineIsNotMyTrigger #DrugResistantEpilepsy #MedsSuck #SleepIssues #SleepIsATrigger #MyBoysAreMySuperHero #EpilepsyCanBeGood #OtherHealthConditionsTriggerMySeizures #FibroFog #EpilepsyFog #PainIsReal
#TimingOfDiagnosisMakesADifference #HappyMothersDay #MotherOfChildWithEpilepsy #MotherOfParentWithEpilepsy #MotherOfSpouseWithEpilepsy #MotherLivingWithEpilepsy
#LowBPEffectsMySeizures #OccupationalWellness #ConnectionIsNeeded #HaveAPassion #OnlineEpilepsyCommunity #HaveAsMuchFaithInYourselfAsYouDoOthers #InPatientEEG #OutPatientEEG #TakeABreak #MeTime #FamilyTime #Dash #SeizureAlertDogs #EmotionalSupportDogs #OnlineEpilepsyCommunity #OnlineTrolls #BrainFog #Dementia #SaraStaggs #Uncontrollable #OCD #RNSArtificialIntelligence #SelfCare #InwardAndOnward #CampiTheSeahorse #FinancialWellness #FinancialStress #HIE #KelliTimAndRayStory #CoachAthleteRelationship #TempsRiseSoDoSeizures #ListenToYourBody #PokemonWalks #UTSABaseball #SonsLoveInspiresMe #SonsDriveAndCourageInspiresMe #PhotoSensitiveEpilepsy #LorrieForseth #LovedOnesSupportingOthers #TheRightDoctorsIsKey #MayoClinic #SPARK #RhondaTaylor #BackToCollege #OverBrainStimulation #ListenToFamilyBetter #ListenToBodyBetter #MakeTimeForYou #ItsOkToJustRelax #HabitsTakePractice #LifeHasHurdles #DontLetAnyoneTellYouWhatYouAreCapableOf #VisibleOrNonvisbleHurdles #EthanParmer #NavarrePress #PressGazette #BrianLester