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Writer's pictureMarissa DeVaul Parmer

Life moves fast, never take for granted the time you have!

The anniversary of my 2nd brain surgery popped up in FB memories:

Many of you might remember these postings, but those that are new to my blog or just have began to know us through living in Pace(the boys sports etc.), NLB baseball family or now at the boys colleges. I feel this gives you some background of why I began this blog.

This day December 11, 2019, the voice of Brent

"The boys and I are getting ready to go be Marissa’s “support animals” as she gets ready for her surgery tomorrow. Somehow, her being around these two goofs always makes her feel better!

The boys wrapped up their time at Madison Southern High School yesterday and, of course, it was bittersweet. They received cards and letters letting them know the impact they had during their time here. From coaches to teachers and classmates, it makes us proud to know they were valued as students, athletes, and young men. It makes it hard and sad to leave, but many more successes, adventures, and opportunities await them.

But first we will go and take care of Marissa and get her through her surgery. As always, I will update everyone through posts here. We all appreciate your thoughts and kind well wishes!!"

The last night in KY, I guess they wanted to make me laugh...

I was already at Mayo

Now my words on December 11, 2019 on FB memories

"It is the night before my RNS battery replacement, along with a possible rt lead replacement that appears to be partially broken off on the rt side of the brain and all else, TBD once the Neurosurgeon is inside. I would be lying if I was to say I am not nervous. Brent will post updates as he can on here of FB.

All my pre-op brain surgery appointments seemed to go well on Tuesday, and the Neurosurgeon feels confident he can reduce my head pain. As for reduction of seizures-will hopefully come with a stronger life battery, but only time will tell.

The timeline in the hospital is predicted to be much shorter this time at only 2 days, depending on what all is completed once inside. The Neurosurgeon feels his patients recover better at home. With all the restrictions they place on you until post-op to have stitches removed....he doesn’t know me very well. (I don’t follow instructions of taking it easy very well ) Mine will be on December 26th.

The year of 2019 has been a year of many unexpected changes: —I am now “officially on disability”, and for me that has been an extremely difficult thing to adjust to (as many of you that know me, I don’t sit still and let my body rest well) —Extra Mayo visits & hospitalizations then planned —Dash, my self taught seizure old pup now takes care of me from the heavens —My seizure activity occurring more often and at various levels coming from various sections of the brain. My neurologist compared it to a cancer that is spreading, in place of staying as one type of seizure it has become many different types. Due to this the RNS device can only control certain areas and so I am also on 5 medications —My RNS battery became too low WAY before it should have due to going off often & hence surgery HAD to happen in December. —Brent was offered an opportunity in November to get back to his passion at the University of West FL which he will officially begin on January 6th —We traveled to the Pace/Pensacola FL area just before Thanksgiving with our sons and found our soon to be new home on December 23rd —Due to the above our sons who we are beyond blessed; have been so supportive and finished their finals early at Madison Southern, to be with me for surgery and support Brent in his opportunity to begin our new life in FL. —Bryce & Broc have finished their years at Madison Southern having wonderful supportive staff, counselors, teachers, Coaches, along with lifelong friendships. We couldn’t be more proud of all their accomplishments. All of us will always be PROUD #MadSouth Eagles. —Bryce & Broc will begin the rest of their Sophomore and Junior year on January 7th at Pace High School as Patriots

We will miss the many we have come so close to in KY, but are excited for what 2020 is to bring.

Thank you for all the well wishes, prayers and strength you are providing all of us through all these changes. We love you all!"

(Obviously at these postings were written, that 2020 was to bring COVID.....and even more changes for our family in a brand new place. So proud of our sons and their courage through so MANY things!)

Mayo to come up again on December 30th, 2022 for more tests and pre-operation testing which as of now is January 3rd, 2023 (the WADA). Due to the upcoming events, I thought the stories above should be shared. Stay Tuned

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Dec 13, 2022

These past post are reminders of the adversity you have overcome and all the changes your family has weathered and survived. You are a DeVaul through and through…tough, stubborn, and amazing! I know you will continue to fight as a family with grace & compassion showing us all what it means to meet challenges together and thrive💜

Marissa DeVaul Parmer
Marissa DeVaul Parmer
Dec 20, 2022
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Love the DeVaul comparison lol, makes for a needed laugh. The boys get it from 2 sides. 😂 But thank you for the continued support, and help us thrive. 💜

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