How often is depression diagnosed with the living with epilepsy?
According to the Epilepsy Foundation depressive disorders occur 5x more frequently when you live with epilepsy vs those who do not live with epilepsy. In most studies it shows it can occur 25-50% at some point in their lives living with epilepsy. On top of this, the actual meds that are supposed to be help control the seizures, have side effects such as depression, anxiety, OCD and more. Refer to the Epilepsy Foundation or your local foundation, neurologist for more information on this. My focus today is how do we help ourselves.
How our brain works and how it directly relates to our mental health.
Our brains are a masterpiece which I never really paid much attention to, until MyGlitch became increasingly worse over the years. Sure, as a first time mom I researched things back when my boys were born, to make sure they were reaching each milestone, but that is very different.
Let me very clear that mental health good or bad is not a reflection of your intelligence. You would be surprised what all is said in our minds a million times a day. Without us even realizing what is being said. Every thought, perception, and reaction is a direct reflection of what is being thought of our personal selves. Think of it like stop, drop and roll, we don't think about it we just do it because that is what our minds were taught to do.
What type of mind processor are you?
I never knew there were types, and I still question what I truly am based on tests performed on me. As my neurologist tells me, mental exams can only show so much and we need to figure out the rest and it takes time. He also reminds me that as we get older, our lives might have changed and like epilepsy which directly affects the brain throws a huge curve ball.
Verbal? A verbal processor, you need to say your thoughts out loud before they make sense to you.
Internal? An internal processor needs time to yourself to make sense of things.
Written? A written processor is a a combination of verbal and internal.
Eventual? An Eventual prossor has a time lapse between the event and your full emotionial impact. In this case you might need to use any of the above to deal with it.
Hands-On? A hands-on processor needs to physically go do something to fully understand what is going on inside. Simply thinking or reflecting is not going to work.
What does all this mean?
Everyone needs to find their personal things they can do to help improve their mental health and it will take time. Myself I would have never of thought I was depressed, had anxiety or OCD. (ok, maybe the OCD because I am a perfectionist) The minute I said I feel like a failed, my neurologist said that is a key word that indicates I do not perceive myself as being good at anything. He said now this isn't a full statement, but a very negative one your brain is saying to yourself without me even realizing it was bad. Most of mine is due to my epilepsy as well as meds and has evolved over time due to me losing things I can't longer do, because of my epilepsy. A few examples: I can't drive, no longer can be employed, I can't cook/bake when no one is home for my safety, I can no longer go on a simple walk around the neighborhood either. I think you get the picture on why living with uncontrolled epilepsy is rough not only for those living with it but also their loved ones. Please also remember every person living with epilepsy has very different kinds, and some can do all of the above.
Things I am working on to improve my own mental health, hope you can try one to find your own.
It is definitely going to be a work in progress.
I first started this blog as a way to help myself share and advocate for others living with epilepsy. This blog has done wanders for me in meeting people I would have never have met, and brings me joy. I can chat with them here, phone, text, FaceTime or via SM.(thank you to all of you!)
Every morning I have to record how my sleep was in my seizure log. Now when I do this, I also write at the top something I think positive about myself.
I have printed out some coloring pages with positvie thoughts for me to color at anytime. By coloring positive quotes my brain is subconsciously remembering that quote. This also helps me with my tremors in my hands. Eventually evolve into artwork.
Going back to my reading days. I tell myself to have a goal of 10 pages a day and I am not to get mad or down at myself if i can't everyday.
I will always exercise of some kind, as we know the body directly relates to the mind. Even if it can't be phyically activity that given day, I do various kinds of mediatation. Plus exercise has always been a big part of my life, especially the love of dance.
Music has always been a joy of mine and daily it plays throughout the house, and i might just sing along.
Just being outside when possible, such as just enjoying the sun or gardening when possible and I know this sounds weird to some but i love to clean the house. I believe it is because it makes me feel I have a sense of purpose.
Lastly; I always enjoy good chat with anyone during the day even if just through text if they are at work.
These could change of course, and I am hoping to add a day with a friend even if it is them coming over to walk or have lunch on their break.
What are you going to try and do? What are your hobbies?Would love to hear and maybe we feed off others.
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#OnceADragonAlwaysADragon #EpilepsyShouldntChangeFriends #BrainFog #SiezureFalls #PositiveMindset #StopApologizing #SiblingsPointOfView #KeepTalking #BrotherlyLove #SisterlyLove #FamilyHelpsYouThroughAnything #TrendingOnTwitter #DontLiveInFear #CaffeineGoodOrBad #CaffeineIsNotMyTrigger #DrugResistantEpilepsy #MedsSuck #SleepIssues #SleepIsATrigger #MyBoysAreMySuperHero #EpilepsyCanBeGood #OtherHealthConditionsTriggerMySeizures #FibroFog #EpilepsyFog #PainIsReal
#TimingOfDiagnosisMakesADifference #HappyMothersDay #MotherOfChildWithEpilepsy #MotherOfParentWithEpilepsy #MotherOfSpouseWithEpilepsy #MotherLivingWithEpilepsy
#LowBPEffectsMySeizures #OccupationalWellness #ConnectionIsNeeded #HaveAPassion #OnlineEpilepsyCommunity #HaveAsMuchFaithInYourselfAsYouDoOthers #InPatientEEG #OutPatientEEG #TakeABreak #MeTime #FamilyTime #Dash #SeizureAlertDogs #EmotionalSupportDogs #OnlineEpilepsyCommunity #OnlineTrolls #BrainFog #Dementia #SaraStaggs #Uncontrollable #OCD #RNSArtificialIntelligence #SelfCare #InwardAndOnward #CampiTheSeahorse #FinancialWellness #FinancialStress #HIE #KelliTimAndRayStory #CoachAthleteRelationship #TempsRiseSoDoSeizures #ListenToYourBody #PokemonWalks #UTSABaseball #SonsLoveInspiresMe #SonsDriveAndCourageInspiresMe #PhotoSensitiveEpilepsy #LorrieForseth #LovedOnesSupportingOthers #TheRightDoctorsIsKey #MayoClinic #SPARK #RhondaTaylor #BackToCollege #OverBrainStimulation #ListenToFamilyBetter #ListenToBodyBetter #MakeTimeForYou #ItsOkToJustRelax #HabitsTakePractice #LifeHasHurdles #DontLetAnyoneTellYouWhatYouAreCapableOf #VisibleOrNonvisbleHurdles #EthanParmer #NavarrePress #PressGazette #BrianLester #20thAnniversary #StrongerTogether #DentalHealth #ProperDentistAppointmentSteps
#BryanBlack #Jerseys4Hope #NCAABasketball #TemporalLobeSeizures #CoachKidd #GriefAndEpilepsy #BryceIs21 #Lifting #DrivingAndEpilepsy #MentalHealthAndIsolation #PapPap97 #FamilyIsEverything #TreasureEveryDayYouHave #IWillAlwaysNeedMyDad #BlessedToBeYourBlondie" #MentalHealth #Hobbies #BetterLife
These are hobbies and tasks I can do at home when alone. I do much more when Brent is here. 💜💜