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Writer's pictureMarissa DeVaul Parmer

Thursday was a tough battle but Houston news, made me want to fight back Friday!

Thursday was full of ups & downs with seizure activity:(

When you live with Epilepsy, and especially when uncontrolled, you are told to try and keep your daily schedule and sleep schedule the same(or close to it). This helps the brain activity to stay along with your meds and in my case the RNS device as well.

Well, yesterday I was scheduled for a dentist appoinment in the morning (earlier shower then I normally would do; even before my 9am meds) I had my 6amCST pills roughly around 5:30, because my chest pain usally wakes me up at that time. Then I go back to bed, to let my body rest and let pills get into my system. I got up as normal around just after 7amCST. Went and transferred data from my head via my RNS laptop/head wand, grabbed a drink, grabbed my daily log book, took my morning vitals, report anything that happened through the night and report anything I was feeling that morning. Then as normal ate my oatmeal breakfast, as the Today show is on, except today I had quickly go take my shower by 8am. (normally I would be checking emails, do my brain WORDLE and other games for brain activity/SM etc. then TV is off by 10am and workout time/cleaning, dr reuired rest time by 1pm if possible until 2:30pm, all contact off, sleep if possible and then back up take 3pm pills, and no TV again until around 4pm for local news)

I felt off while I was up that morning, but brushed it off due to a morning headache, from the restless night. My husband came to check on me and well I was not doing well in the shower, got me out and went to laydown in bed to rest, and see if I would be ok. I wasn't. I texted my great friend Rhonda who was gracious enough to take me to the dentist to make her aware, and she offerred to come sit even at the house, but I said i was ok. I then called the dentist stuttering my words, to cancel the appointment.

Probably less then 5 minutes I went into what I call my post seizure coma in bed.(a very deep sleep) I was only awakened by my phone at roughly 10:30am(2 hours into my sleep) from an amazing text from our oldest Bryce...with a GIF saying Houston we have a problem, I will not be going to Italy this summer. My chest was still hurting but with all the excitement of the text, I said Bryce I think you just brought me out my seizure sleep:)

NASA here comes Bryce with his group called the Dustronauts!!! Lookout NASA, here they come!!!

PROUD PARENTS TO SAY THE LEAST!!! You see there was a nationwide contest by NASA by colleges submitting projects in 3 different categories. They had already made it passed rounds, and this was the last one to see if they got to go and represent ERAU in June.The even cooler thing is there were 10 teams in their category from ERAU as well, which didn't qualify!

Still do not have full details, just know roughly June 3-10th, but could be longer working directly with a NASA employee to establish their project to WIN IN HOUSTON. There are 5 teams in their given area, and if they win in Houston, their project will be ON ARTEMIS 3!!!! You can be for SURE if they win we will be at that launch....not to brag some or anything:) I am posting the YouTube Video link below, that announced and explains what everything is, and to say the least it will make more sense then me trying to explain something WAY OVER this mama's brain! His is about the 13 minute mark, or look for this individual, and he announces their group being selected as 1 of the 5 groups in their given topic.

Click on link to watch, remember roughly 13 minute mark

or fast forward to the individual above

The rest of my day/night was BEYOND ROUGH!

I made sure to text family right away, and even they said I wasn't making full sense and Rhonda & Ginger as well...the next day the texts were all over the place. DARN EPILEPSY BRAIN!

To say the least I wanted to brag yesterday, but my brain & body would not agree. To say the least, I slept some more, tried to meditate to lesson my very strong all over Seizure and Fibromyalgia pain on over drive! To cut short, somehow I placed myself in bed, we think around 9ish,headphones on, trying to sleep meditate, but when Brent came to check on me, I was in tears and so he gave me some IBprofen PM to hopefully fall asleep....the night went on......with severe pain. ( no meds were taking anything away)


Being such a proud mom still today,(still smiling and heart pounding & wanting to talk with him) and knowing if Bryce can place himself out there and work on over drive in his group all while still doing classes/tests....I wasn't about to let my body and mind tell me no today! WE FINALLY got to FaceTime tonight with him...he said I texted him too much today while he was in his study group for 2 finals tomorrow. Sorry bud, but a proud mom and a forgetful brain, I just wanted to see you smile and be proud as well:)


Well just like Thanksgiving my emotions are on overdrive and wanting to get so much done. We will get to see Broc Sunday (all his finals are online next week or doesn't have them in some classes) Was great Facetiming him the day before we found out about Bryce, hearing him talk about how excited he is for spring baseball to get started and what he has been working on, and said so I have to stick to my regimen. (So see with his dedication for his goals/aspirations as well, I can't let a little Epliepsy slow us down, so Peloton you got my back)

Brent will travel down to get Bryce, and can't wait to see them on Tuesday. His last final is done at 9pmEST Monday..not sure when finals were over weekends and this late...but it is a new era.

Then we get to see Broc until most likely January 4th, and Bryce possibly until January 11th...pending going back early for group work. Needless to say they both have worked VERY HARD, and have a well deserved break to be a bit spoiled:)...if they allow me:)

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