Can you believe it PapPap you said you wouldn't make it to this Birthday?
Throwing it back to a fun memory of you dancing at our wedding on a chair, square dancing, the jive, and the waltz, with grandma. You both definitely showed all of us what true love is and always have fun in life.

Wish I was there to celebrate with you, but since I can't I will share some memories to others via My Glitch.
It seems like yesterday all of us grandkids were riding behind your tractor all around your property. This was always a guarantee on every visit, no matter how many grandkids were there each of us got a ride:) After all there are a lot of us! Playing with you in the backyard along with your dog Mercedes. Seeing our dog Dash with our boys always reminded me of those times.
Then came the apple picking, each of us always had our designated bucket to carry each time. Most of the time it was a race because we all wanted to show you and grandma who was the fastest, and get them for grandma to make apple pie too:) Looking back now it was a way to get some chores done but have fun at the same time. Hey it worked, right.
Holidays were always very important to you. We were blessed to spend so many together.
Every Easter we came in our Easter dresses and hats ready to spend time with you. After all we had to dress our best. You always made sure to tell us how beautiful we looked and so much like mom at that age. Had to learn the meaning of Easter first from you before we got to play. You and grandma entertained us in the house, while the adults hid all the easter eggs in your enormous yard. There was always a special one to find.
Christmas was a very BIG event and for some time you got to be Santa. We all got to sit in the RED chair one by one, waiting to see who was our gift exchange with one of our cousins. After a few years, I have to admit being the 2nd to oldest it got to be a very long time for my turn:) Then we all showered you and grandma with gifts and each brought them up to you. Then after we ate it was time to go in your basement for the swing at the piñata. As we got older I think this got a bit dangerous but also very funny.
Blessed my boys got to participate one year, as so many great-grandkids didn't get to. Eventually the family got so big, Christmas had to be moved out of your house.
My last visit seeing you at the nursing home.
I can't remember which birthday it was. I think it was 2 years ago, but this brain is having trouble remembering even little things. Most of the time, it is memories here and there. You may have thought at times I was mom but to me that didn't matter. I was just happy to be able to travel and give you a hug to say happy birthday.

You may not read this blog, but I hope those that do can feel the love you give our family. Even now you might only be able to take calls here and there, I know grandma shares how much we love you. I hate that I can't travel most of the time due My Glitch but I will always have the treasured memories written here. I also know you would want me to spend every treasured moment with Brent and my boys. Along with mom, dad and my siblings families. Life goes way to fast.
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