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Wellness Wednesday=I Must Be Busy?

Writer's picture: Marissa DeVaul ParmerMarissa DeVaul Parmer

Many Think Of Being Active All The Time As Great Wellness

I am not talking about being physically active, although that is important for your own personal health. I am talking about feeling the need to never relax for yourself. The feeling of you have to be doing cleaning, exercising, something for my family or friends, etc. no time to just sit and do nothing or something just for you.

That feeling where if you are not doing one of things daily, you are not of worth. I am a perfect example of this. In my mind, and the doctor said I am actually wired by my seizures and can't control all of it. Believe it or not but the area where most my seizures occur I don't even realize some things I ask multiple times in a day to want and help someone else before thinking of my own health. Everyone else always comes first. My husband reminds me daily try and just do something for myself and no one else that day.

Self Awareness Is Key With Habits

I feel part of me feels something needs done daily, because I have lost the capability to be able to do what I used to once be able to on my own. For one example I can't just go out for a walk by myself, or bake/cook when no one is home for safety(this is one of my things I miss the most), I lost my license now for many years now, and have been medically retired now since February 2019. I need to develop a new self awareness for my epilepsy to become more controlled. Then I can hopefully enjoy my day just relaxing outside and enjoy my evening with my husband. If I can't control my daily habits and self awareness, it usually ends up being a rough day and or night for me and my family both because they are my caregivers making sure I am safe.

Some Things I do For Myself Daily...mostly

Now remember this is for me(everyone has different needs and doctor rules). It won't work for everyone living with epilepsy because we do need some daily set routines to prevent seizures as well. Like keeping our bedtime and wake up time the same, if possible.

Remember we need to develop daily habits, to make our brain do things without thinking about it. I think of it like my Broc stepping up to the plate his swing has to be consistent or else he will strike out. Bryce knowing his correct equations for his Aerospace classes to reach his achievements. So even things we enjoy takes daily practice.

Samples for me:(Many I need to get back to doing)

Morning WORDLE, this is something that is a habit for me. I think because my husband and I compete against each other doing it:) At the same time though I am stimulating my brain for better cognitive skills.

Gardening, laying outside enjoying the sunshine listening to music. Now if we can just get back under 100 degrees I can do that again.

If with someone at the beach going for a walk and listening to the waves.

Some form of exercising as this is a passion of mine and provides me more energy. I also need to forgive myself if my brain that day is unable to do the physicall exercise I want due to seizure activity. I try to always to do this in the morning, because more times than not my nights are worse for me.

Talking on the phone with family or friends, not just texting(sorry boys and Brent for over doing this and not even knowing it). At times this is hard during the day because many other are working, and my brain forgets this. Thank you mom, for taking my calls:)

Meditation before my required rest time, or at bedtime. This I need to get back to making it a habit because I have not been daily on this in a while. This would be an example as I haven't been able to shut my brain down and I don't place it as a habit.

Just laid back in the recliner watching a good movie or TV show, and not feel this is being lazy.

Blogging to spread Epilepsy Awareness and our family journey

Learning and reading about others online to make a connection, needed since I am home. I love it when it is even those living in different countries but having sometimes the same type of epilepsy. It is even making me more epilepsy aware.

Record daily things in my journal of my feelings of the day and not just tracking seizure actitivity.

When it comes to doing something with my husband, sons, family and friends, I need to make the decision of where/what to do. Not always feel I need to do what they want.

I hope this makes sense in some form and touches you how it should. MAKE TIME FOR YOU!

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Aug 24, 2023
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I hope you have gotten back to the things that feed your soul this week. Seeing your new posts is a good sign you are taking some time for yourself. Fingers crossed those cooler temps arrive so we can all enjoy being outside more. Love you💜

Marissa DeVaul Parmer
Marissa DeVaul Parmer
Aug 25, 2023
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I am trying to with Brent’s support helps a lot! Temps of course are still crazy🤪 Wishing you the best to as you adjust with JR’s first year in college! Here anytime. much love back! ❤️💜

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