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Wellness Wednesday=S.P.A.R.K.

Writer's picture: Marissa DeVaul ParmerMarissa DeVaul Parmer

Living with a "Glitch" can be challenging, but it is possible with a "S.P.A.R.K" Just what is this?

S is for Support.

When you have an invisible chronic illness such as epilepsy, having a close support group is very important. This can consist of family members, friends, fellow epilepsy warriors or advocates, your doctors, colleagues and for some a support animal. This group does not need to be large, it just needs to be those you can trust and love.

P is for Persistent.

In all goals in life it is always important to know what you need to do daily. This is no different for those of us living with epilepsy. We need to know what we need daily, in order to stay seizure controlled. Starting by being on time with our daily meds, being an advocate with our doctors in order to receive the best treatment we need. By never giving up on ourselves on a daily basis is key when talking to others.

A is for Active.

When being active we need to be active through our mind, body and soul. All of these interact with the other on a daily basis, and directly can increase or decrease seizures based on an individual's plan. Read back on my past Wellness Wednesday's blogs to get some ideas of things you can try, but also always check with your doctor first.

R is for Respect.

I feel this is very important. Day in and day out we tend to look down on ourselves, and in order for others to respect us we need to start with looking inward. I am guilty of this myself by saying I am a burden to my family at times. If we want respect from people who don't know what epilepsy is, we need to start with ourselves and making sure we surround ourselves with that support group to gain respect.

K is for Knowledge.

The saying knowledge is power is very true for those living with epilepsy. The more we educate ourselves, the more others can better understand what living with epilepsy is like. This is also true for every doctors visits. Make sure you know going in, the questions you need answered in order to receive the proper treatment plan for you.

So today I challenge you to go out and show your S.P.A.R.K.! Let's help others living with their own Glitch, taking it one letter at a time. Starting with S=Support.

Would love to hear what you did for your own S.P.A.R.K or someone else. Just make a comment, and let's help each other.

#WeFightEpilepsyAsAFamily #TeamParmer #MyGlitch #Epilepsy #MentalHealth #PhysicalHealth #Peloton #PelotonMeditation #AerospaceEngineer #ERAU #BaseballCatcher #GCSC #EpilepsyAwareness #Seizures #EpilepsyWarriors #EpilepsyFighter #ChronicIllness #EpilepsyAdvocate #EpilepsyStrong #EndEpilepsy #TooManyMeds #RNSImplant #TemporalLobeSeizures #NocturnalSeizures #AbsenceSeizures #PNES #GAD65Seizures #AutoImmuneDisease #SUDEP #UncontrolledSeizures #FocalComplexSeizures #AwareSeizures #UnawareSeizures #StatusEpilepticus #EpilepsyLife #Anxiety #OCD #EpilepsySafetyAwareness #Invisilbleillness #SeizuresSuck #EpilepsyAllianceFlorida #EpilepsyFoundationOfAmerica #BrainAblaze #MayoClinic #WADATesting #2023WillBringHope #NeverGiveUp #Fibromalgyia #GroguIsMyGuy #FamilyIsEverything #MemoryMightBeBad #LosingLanguageSkills #LeftBrainDominance #Meditation #Positivity #EnjoyLifeToTheFullest #ExerciseIsKey #SurgeryNotAnOption #HaveFaith #ListenToYourBody #MindBodyConnection #EpilepsyDay #SpreadEpilepsyAwareness #MissMyDash #PauseDontStop #YesYouCan #March26PurpleDay2023 #ChangesLeadToHope #BiTemporalLobeSeizures #ChangesLeadToBetterHealth #meditation #haphazzard #WellnessWednesdays #FriendsAndFamilyFridays #SteveGordon #RDQLUS #LightningBolt #SocialNetwork #SelfEsteem #DidYouKnowMondays #YouAreMoreThanYourEpilepsy #AParentsView #AdultOnsetEpilepsy #IVIGTreatment #SpiritualWellness #MyPurpose

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10 de ago. de 2023
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Love this! R…that resonated…self-compassion and kindness are essential on any healing journey. K…you are so good at teaching us and sharing your knowledge. Keep it up!

Marissa DeVaul Parmer
Marissa DeVaul Parmer
11 de ago. de 2023
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I am glad you enjoyed this one. I have various words Brent painted on boxes for me where I blog and was trying to think of some new ones. Thank you for the encouragement. You are part of my S.P.A.R.K. ⚡️💜


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